WATCH: Abilene Zoo Welcomes 5 Cute New Babies, But Will They Stay Cute?


ABILENE – Five baby Capybaras were born at the Abilene Zoo last week.

"The Abilene Zoo Abilene Zoo is pleased to announce the birth of five capybaras on Thursday July, 7, 2022 at 11 AM," stated the Zoo on their social media page."The five babies were born to mother Daisy. This is Daisy's second time having a litter of her own."

Here is a video of the pups:


According to the zoo, the Capybara is pregnant for five to six months. The pups each weigh between three and four pounds. Once they reach adulthood, they will be the world's largest species of rodent, weighing up to 170 lbs.

The newest members of the Abilene Zoo family were born on exhibit and can be seen during your next visit.

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