BALLINGER – This week Texas Parks & Wildlife Department's Inland Fisheries San Angelo District completed largemouth bass stockings on O.H. Ivie Reservoir. Totals fingerlings stocked in June 2022 include 118,180 ShareLunker Bass and 205,384 Lone Star Bass for a total of 323,564 bass stocked. These fish were stocked by boat and placed in locations with dense cover to maximize survival.
ShareLunker Bass are first generation offspring produced directly from angler donated Legacy-class bass (13+lb). Furthermore, TPWD reached it's goal of converting our Florida strain largemouth bass hatchery broodfish to all be offspring of Legacy-class fish. These ShareLunker descendants have been dubbed: "Lone Star Bass", named to denote their special significance to Texas. Overall, TPWD expects to stock over 6 million fingerling Lone Star Bass statewide this spring in over 50 reservoirs.
Since 2019, anglers have submitted 26 Legacy-class largemouth bass from O.H. Ivie Reservoir to the Toyota ShareLunker Program.

Bass Stocking O.H.Ivie Reservoir June 2022 (Contributed/TPWD Inland Fisheries San Angelo)

Bass Stocking O.H. Ive June 2022 (Contributed/TPWD Inland Fisheries San Angelo)
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