SAN ANGELO – It is illegal to discharge or possess fireworks inside or within 5,000 feet of San Angelo city limits.
City of San Angelo officials are warning it is a Class C misdemeanor punishable by a maximum fine of $2,000 to possess or discharge fireworks.
San Angelo Police receive hundreds of calls about illegal fireworks every year around the Independence Holiday.
Police respond and they enforce the law.
Most calls come from the Lake Nasworthy area but they are received city wide. The SAPD deals with those calls every year and are prepared again this year for fireworks enforcement.
To report illegal fireworks or fireworks usage, please contact the non-emergency dispatch number at 325-657-4315.
Commercial firework displays:
July 3, 2022 - A Star-Spangled Banner Concert and Fireworks
Location: Bill Aylor Sr. Memorial River Stage, 16 E. Ave. A.
Host: Downtown San Angelo, Inc and San Angelo LIVE!
Event information:
July 4, 2022 - Lake Nasworthy HOA 2022 Fireworks
Location: Lake Nasworthy - fireworks are launched from the dam across from Goodfellow Recreation camp.
Event information:
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