WASHINGTON, D.C. – Joe Biden has had almost five decades to lead elected officials in Washington to a solution to mass shootings and he has failed.
The man who sits in the Oval Office addressed the nation Thursday night vowing to find a solution to the type of carnage witnessed in Uvalde when a deranged teenager from a broken home stormed a poorly protected elementary school and killed 21 people including 19 innocent children. Mr. Biden served as Vice President of the United States for eight years and did virtually nothing; offered no real and lasting solutions to curb mass shootings.
In fact, while serving as then-President Barack Obama's vice president, Biden was tasked in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting to lead the administration's effort to enact tougher gun control laws -- but in the nearly decade since the nation mourned for Newtown, no action on gun control has passed at a federal level.
Now he wants to dismantle the Constitution and reimagine the Second Amendment to disarm law abiding American citizens when it was written to protect citizens from a tyrannical, overreaching and bloated government. The Second Amendment was written to do the opposite of disarming citizens; it was written top protect the God given rights of people to defend themselves and not, I repeat not, to take away weapons and create a situation where the government has more guns and more powerful weapons than the citizens from whom it derives its power.
"Why in God’s name should an ordinary citizen be able to purchase an assault weapon that holds 30-round magazines that let mass shooters fire hundreds of bullets in a matter of minutes?" said Biden invoking God.
"We need to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines. And if we can't ban assault weapons, then we should raise the age to purchase them from 18 to 21, strengthen background checks, enact safe storage laws and red flag laws. Repeal the immunity that protects gun manufacturers from liability, address the mental health crisis," he said in an impassioned address.
To borrow and slightly turn a twisted phrase from the liberal, progressive pro-abortion crowd, Biden is fine with killing babies in the womb through abortion and then protecting them from their parents as wards of the State once they reach school age.
Biden has failed for five decades because the answer to stopping mass shootings is not usurping the Constitution with overbearing gun control; the answer is fixing the morally decayed society which produces far too many lost souls from broken homes leaving them, at least in their own minds, with no choice and no chance to live a peaceful and productive life.
The American people have allowed the federal government to create a society in which anything goes; boys will be girls and girls will be boys, there is not God but the government, home and family are bad and government institutions like school and prison give respite to the desperate, and the folks in Washington have all the answers and want to take all the power to 'protect' you from yourself.
"We can't fail the American people again." Biden said. "For God’s sake. How much more carnage are we willing to accept? How many more innocent American lives must be taken before we say enough, enough?"
Mr. President, it appears the answer to your questions is – you were willing to accept the carnage and the loss of American lives for 50 years. The American people have rejected any reimagining of their God given right to arm themselves to protect their lives, homes and property not only from foreign and domestic criminals but also from an overreaching federal government.
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Once again Gomer Gohmert displays himself as being the stupidest person in Congress. No one should be surprised.
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PermalinkNo easy answer...
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PermalinkAr-15 foolishness... https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/05/opinions/guns-ar-15-uvalde-school-shooting-fanone/index.html
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