SAN ANGELO, TX – A security threat caused an alarm at the Central Oakes Campus on Thursday.
According to the Principal of Central High School Bill Waters, on Nov. 11, the school was made aware of threats that a student at the Oakes campus made towards classmates.
It is unclear at this time if there were any arrests made.
No students are reported injured.
The following was a statement from SAISD:
"San Angelo ISD and Central High School on Oakes were made aware of threats made by a student involving Central on Oakes. Immediately district leaders and campus administrators began an investigation in conjunction with the Tom Green County Sheriff's Office and took immediate action. Additionally, the San Angelo Police Department was notified. Along with local law enforcement agencies, we determined there is no danger to students. A Student Resource Officer is assigned to the campus to provide additional safety and security. We take all matters of this nature seriously and will follow procedures outlined in our Student Code of Conduct. The safety of our students is our first priority. We encourage everyone to report threats of any kind to a district or school official, local law enforcement, or report the concern on our district StayAlert link on the SAISD website. Student reports will be kept confidential. SAISD, by law, is not at liberty to publicly disclose the names of students or disciplinary actions taken."
San Angelo LIVE! has reached out to the Tom Green County Sheriff's Office for more information.
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