Additional Covid Fatality Confirmed in San Angelo Tuesday


SAN ANGELO – San Angelo Health officials Tuesday confirmed one additional Covid-19 related death in Tom Green County. 

The Health Department has confirmed an additional COVID-19-related death in Tom Green County:

- Male, 70s, Tom Green County: fully vaccinated

Officials have not released information about any underlying conditions the deceased may have had. 

This brings the total COVID-19-related death count in Tom Green County to 442: 288 from Tom Green County and 154 from other counties. We do not have any further information about the patient at this time.

El Departamento de Salud ha confirmado una muerte adicionale relacionada con COVID-19 en el condado de Tom Green:

- Hombre, 70s, condado de Tom Green: completamente vacunado

Esto eleva el recuento total de muertes relacionadas con COVID-19 en el condado de Tom Green a 442: 288 del condado de Tom Green y 154 de otros condados. No tenemos más información sobre el paciente en este momento.

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MAGA, Tue, 10/12/2021 - 17:41

Probably didn't have his thirteenth dose of the fake dna's either or waning efficiency actually is a thing.

MAGA, Tue, 10/12/2021 - 19:08

You sound angry that you can still take a fakeccine and get this nasty bug and die even though your daddy said you would be safe. Now you blame it on others even though you're "safe". It's a bad look buddy, enjoy your fakecinnations. BTW I had one round of the fakeccine and caught covid. So explain away

MAGA, Wed, 10/13/2021 - 06:06

The virus doesn't kill everyone idiot. Just ones with compromised immune systems. It's been proven time and time again. Thankfully I am not one of those yet. Our government has decided that the vaccine is a way to separate the masses and cause confusion. And no I am not lying, but I knew you would say that as you call everyone here a liar, or just slander them for no apparent reason other than they aren't a democrat. I received my vaccine in March and was covid positive in Late august, I did visit shannon and was told that there was basically nothing they could do, besides the two iv packs and some pills for nausea. I took those and a 4k hospital bill and said f this. The vaccine might work for you , but I prefer my own immune system over some shady shot that didn't protect me from getting sick again. Yep I had covid in '19 as well. No vaccine then and I don't need it now. Oh and waning efficiency is a thing in males my age bracket. Just pointing that out

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