Texas Woman Pleads Guilty to Entering the US Capitol on January 6th


DALLAS, TX – Months after live-streaming herself entering the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, a Dallas area realtor has reached a plea agreement with federal prosecutors.

According to court documents, the FBI located several videos and pictures of Jennifer Leigh 'Jenna' Ryan posted on social media showing her inside the Capitol building.

One of the videos shows Ryan saying, "We’re gonna go down and storm the Capitol," in front of a bathroom video.

Ryan also posted a 21-minute long Facebook Live that shows her with friends walking toward the building.

In the video Ryan says, "We are going to (expletive) go in here. Life or death, it doesn’t matter. Here we go," as the group approached the top of the stairs on the west side of the Capitol.

Ryan would then turn the camera to show her face and advertise her business.

“Y’all know who to hire for your Realtor, Jenna Ryan for your Realtor.”

As the group makes it to the front door, Ryan can be heard chanting “USA, USA” and “Here we are, in the name of Jesus.”

When Ryan was arrested she told local media outlets she was “a normal person, that I listen to my president who told me to go to the Capitol.”

According to Ryan, she deserved a presidential pardon  –– but the pardon never came through.

On Thursday, the real estate agent pleaded guilty to knowingly parading, demonstrating, and picketing inside the Capitol, a misdemeanor charge. Ryan could face up to six months in jail and pay a $5,000 fine. Ryan will be required to pay $500 in restitution.

The sentencing hearing has been scheduled for later this year.

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