Texas State Guard Recruiting Party


The Texas State Guard will have a recruiting event Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon at the Texas National Armed Guard, 4149 N. U.S. Hwy 67. The Texas State Guard is a military force under the orders of the Texas Governor that aids in support of all military branches including Border Patrol, and any other state organizations like Parks & Wildlife that may require search and rescue teams.  

“We are a force multiplier. Just as an example if there’s a hurricane on the border, we would go down and start searching for people that might be left behind in houses. We do a lot of boat operations; we have dive teams that assist as well.” Doretta Jenison, State Guard company recruiter said.

“You don’t have to have military or law enforcement background to do this, just an understanding of direction,” Jension explained.  “In our training exercise they give you coordinates, a compass and map, and you are told to go rescue. You have to learn to get yourself and someone else out of an area that you could potentially get lost in. You learn how to correctly read maps and utilize a compass, and basic survival and rescue procedure.”

When joining the Texas State Guard you can expect to go to weekend training once a month, and be called upon to serve during a time of disaster for up to two weeks at a time. Since this is considered military service you can’t be terminated from your full time job, and if you happen to work for the state you will receive regular pay with no deductions for time missed.

Some perks include a free hunting and fishing license, free concealed handgun license, tuition assistance for college, waivers on toll roads, and a small daily stipend for training and state emergency activations.

“When I was little, my Dad would have me read the map when we were traveling, so I’ve always loved maps. When I called the field office to ask about joining and they said I would be working with maps and compasses, I was sold.” Jenison said. “It’s a great way to be involved and help individuals on all levels, military, law enforcement, and civilian.”

For more information on the Texas State Guard visit their website at: www.txsg.state.tx.us.


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