Woman Arrested After Assaulting Ex with an Ax


SAN ANTONIO, TX – A 27-year-old San Antonio woman is facing serious charges after she allegedly threw an ax at her ex-girlfriend during a fight.

According to the San Antonio Police Department, Samantha De Anda got into an argument with the victim last Friday.

According to the victim, during the argument, De Anda grabbed the ax and swung it at her head. The ax then struck the wall behind the victim.

The victim told police De Anda hit her on the head with the flat side of the ax and cut her arm when they struggled. She also told police De Anda had previously assaulted her on May 25th.

DeAnda was arrested on Monday and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

According to SAPD, De Anda is believed to be a  “danger to the victim and the public” due to her “violent tendencies.”

De Anda's bond was set at $30,000.

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