Texas Tech System Chancellor to Award Two ASU Profs in Person


Texas Tech University System Chancellor Robert Duncan will present the winners of the annual Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Teaching and Research Awards to two faculty members at Angelo State University. The presentation takes place Tuesday, Jan. 27 at the West Texas Collection Gallery, Houston Harte University Center, on the campus of Angelo State University at 3 p.m.

The professors who will be honored with a Distinguished Teaching Award are:

  • Dr. Charles Diminnie, adjunct professor, Department of Mathematics
  • Dr. Loree Branham, associate professor, Department of Agriculture

The Chancellor’s Council helps advance the important work of the Texas Tech University System and its four universities ― Texas Tech University, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Angelo State University and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso.

Originally created in 1967 as the President’s Council to recognize donors who helped Texas Tech University accomplish its highest goals, the program was renamed and expanded in 1996 with the establishment of the Texas Tech University System. Today, the Chancellor’s Council continues to play a vital part in creating opportunities at all four universities. Among many areas, the Chancellor’s Council funds student scholarships, faculty awards and top scholar recruitment.

The Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Teaching and Research Awards recognize excellence in teaching and research, and represent the most prestigious honors granted to faculty members throughout the Texas Tech University System.  Each winner receives a commemorative medallion and a $5,000 award.

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