Central High Students Involved in Three-Vehicle Pile-Up in front of High School


Three vehicles full of Central High School students returning from lunch were involved in a crash on Caddo Street on the south side of the Houston Harte Expressway near Central. The crash happened at around 1 p.m.

According to the San Angelo police, traffic was backed up all the way to N. Bryant on Caddo, in front of the high school. A white Mercedes was in front, and then a Ford Escape. A Ford Explorer traveling from behind, hit the Mercedes,  sending it into the back of the Escape.

Caddo Street was temporarily blocked as police and San Angelo Fire Department personnel tended the scene.

The only injury of the crash was the driver of Ford Escape, who was transported to Shannon with non-incapacitating injuries.

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jdgt, Tue, 01/20/2015 - 16:13

There is NOTHING comforting about the thought of 3 vehicles full of teenagers at lunch time... Without adult supervision, they're all going to be giggling and texting or talking on their phone or taking selfies or looking at one another or themselves in the mirrors rather than the road or what's around them. Unfortunately, there's no easy fix. You try to ban texting/driving... people are going to complain about their rights and freedoms being violated. You try to raise the driving age and people are going to complain.

It's every man for himself out there. BE CAREFUL!

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