San Angelo ISD Superintendent Announces Her Retirement


After seven years at the helm of the San Angelo Independent School District, Dr. Carol Ann Bonds announced on Monday that she will be retiring at the start of the new school year on Aug. 31, 2015.

The decision to retire comes after months of planning for a smooth transition of leadership, Bonds wrote in a formal announcement, and only after having accomplished several long-term goals set by herself and the school board.

During her tenure as Superintendant, Bonds and the school board worked together to implement universal breakfast for all students at elementary schools, initiated a strong partnership with Goodfellow Air Force Base, became an early college district, and improved the support for extracurricular teams to become champions at the district, regional, state, and national levels.

“This successful goal completion has only been possible because of the leadership and teamwork of our school board and their collective vision and passion for supporting students and staff,” Bonds wrote. “These goals have been supported and implemented by the finest staff leadership team and school employees in Texas.”

A major contributor to the district’s success, Bonds noted, has been support from organizations and churches in the community who have been “generous in their efforts to remove obstacles for student success”. She also named several local individuals and agencies who have been instrumental in the school district’s success, ranging from ASU professors to the officers of the San Angelo Police Department, city council and county officials.

In retirement, Bonds said, she and her husband intend to give back to the community that has supported them over the years.

“My husband Charlie and I love San Angelo and plan to stay here and continue volunteer work on community boards and in our church,” she said. “We want to continue to give back to a city that has given so much to us. May this great school district thrive and be an example of excellence. Thank you for giving me an incredible opportunity to serve on the SAISD team.” 

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Hallelujah.... Now hopefully the school board can find someone that's got more than just a hollow cavity between their ears and one that can speak like an adult without all the babbling baby type talk she did when she opened her mouth.....

Hurray! SCAB (Superintendent Carol Ann Bond) can leave now. Why not ask the Board to buy out the remainder of your contract and beat feet out of here?

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