Three ASU Flag Football Teams Win Championship Titles


Three Angelo State University intramural flag football teams recently became champions at the National Intramural-Recreation Sports Association (NIRSA) Region II Flag Football Tournament held Dec. 5-7 at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg.

ASU’s Men’s Division Wolfpac, Women’s Division Vixen and Co-Rec Division IM Legends previously swept the championship spots at the NIRSA Region IV Flag Football Tournament in November at Texas A&M University.

All three ASU teams also had already qualified to play in the NIRSA National Flag Football Tournament Jan. 2-4 at the University of West Florida in Pensacola.

The three teams went undefeated in the December tournament. In the Men’s Division, ASU’s Wolfpac took first place after two pool play and three elimination rounds, then beat a University of South Florida team, 35-18, for the championship. Trevor Brunet was named MVP and made the all-tournament team along with Wolfpac teammates Chase Churchwell and Chance Stockbridge.

In the Women’s Division, ASU’s Vixen were undefeated in two rounds of pool play, then beat a team from Southern University Baton Rouge, 7-6, for the championship. Cassi Stegall was named MVP and joined Vixen teammates Devon Wilde, Brianne Wilburn and Lorrie Potts on the all-tournament team.

IM Legends, which has won the past two NIRSA co-rec national titles, allowed no points in two pool play games before defeating a team from the University of Western Alabama, 47-0, for the championship. Brunet was named the Men’s MVP and Wilde was named the Women’s MVP, while teammates Potts, Valerie Villalva and TJ Brown joined them on the all-tournament team.


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