Woman Arrested After Dangling Child Over 3rd Story Balcony


SAN ANTONIO, TX -- A San Antonio woman is facing charges after she dangled a toddler over a balcony ledge three stories high.

According to authorities, the incident occurred on Monday at an apartment complex on the south side of the city.

The incident was observed by a DEA agent who was conducting surveillance at the complex.

The agent heard a woman, identified as 25-year-old Desirae Marie Korus, yelling while the child cried. He then saw Korus drag the child onto the balcony and scold him.

Korus then picked up the child and held him over the ledge while yelling, "are you going to touch that again?

According to the agent, the child pleaded with Korus and pleaded "don’t drop me” and said he “won’t do it again” as he was dangled.

The woman threatened to drop the child before she pulled him back and reentered the apartment.

The agent identified the apartment and contacted SAPD. When officers arrived at the complex Korus refused to open the door so officers left the scene.

Korus was eventually arrested on Wednesday night and charged with endangerment of a child with the risk of bodily injury.

Her bond has been set at $20,000.

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