Suspects Arrested in Death of Elderly Ice Cream Vendor


AUSTIN, TX —More than a month after 68-year-old Adelaido Bernabe Urias was shot in the parking lot of a North Austin apartment complex, police have identified the three men charged with his murder.

According to KABB, the ice-cream vendor was transported to the hospital where he ultimately succumbed to his injuries days later.

According to investigators, Urias was a frequent presence in the neighborhood and was known to push his cart through the complex. According to witnesses, Urias was confronted by three males who attempted to rob him. One of the suspects shot Urias before fleeing the scene.

The three suspects have been identified as 18-year-old Marquis Davis, 20-year-old Jermaine Jones, and 19-year-old Devlon Wardy.

According to the Austin Police Department, the three suspects were located and arrested by the Lone Star Fugitive Task Force.

Davis was arrested several days before an unrelated aggravated assault with a deadly weapon charge; Jones and Wardy were located on Monday afternoon.

Police continue searching for a fourth suspect who is believed to have driven the getaway car. He has not been identified at this moment.

Each suspect has a bond of $1 million.

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were going to start college at the University of Texas. I don't know what went wrong. Maybe the old man said all lives matter.

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