FALFURRIAS, TX – U.S. Border Patrol agents discovered an illegal alien Tuesday with a conviction for sexual assault.
Falfurrias agents Tuesday arrested a Mexican national, later identified as Angel RAMON-Raygoza, after he attempted to circumvent the immigration checkpoint. During processing, record checks revealed a previous arrest by the Clive Police Department in Iowa. RAMON-Raygoza was charged with sexual assault abuse and was subsequently convicted, receiving a sentence of two years confinement.
Border Patrol referred RAMON-Raygoza for criminal prosecution.
The public is encouraged to take a stand against crime in their communities and report suspicious activity at 800-863-9382.
Even with the spread of the COVID-19 virus, human smugglers continue to try these brazen attempts with zero regard for the lives they endanger nor to the health of the citizens of our great nation. The U.S. Border Patrol agents of the Rio Grande Valley Sector will continue to safeguard the nation and community against these criminal elements.
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