Coronavirus: San Angelo Behind in Releasing Individuals from Quarantine


SAN ANGELO, TX – The City of San Angelo Health Department is behind on releasing individuals quarantined for Coronavirus.
Here is the statement from the city:

Our health department is behind on getting people released from quarantine/isolation due to the increase in positive cases of COVID-19. If you are currently under quarantine or isolation (either a positive COVID-19 case or a contact to a known case) and have met the requirements to be released, please fill out this form on our website. Once you have completed the form it will be reviewed and you will be sent an official release document. Visit our website at

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So there is a backlog due to the spike in cases. Meanwhile Trump is busy disputing Dr, Fauci's expert advice on CV-19, it is stated that they haven't spoken in weeks. Perhaps Trump will Fire Dr. Fauci and hire someone that will agree with him like he did with Bill Barr, forget what is right just do as Trump says, loyalty ya'know.

How can these folks be released without being tested??? That just seems irresponsible. They could still be asymptomatic and standing near you at the grocery store. Sorry if you can't get caught up. Not sure what the solution is. But self-reporting sounds asinine and very risky.

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