Coronavirus Surge: San Angelo Reports Nearly 300 New Cases in a Week


SAN ANGELO, TX – The City of San Angelo closed out the week with nearly 300 new cases of COVID-19.

On Sunday, health department officials confirmed 56 new cases, bringing the week's total to 298 new positive cases.

Of the 56 cases reported, 21 of the cases are patients under the age of 30. This includes two infants that have tested positive.

Also, three hospitalizations were reported. All reported cases were PCR tests. No antigen tests were included in today's numbers.

Total positive cases: 975

  • PCR positives: 921
  • Antigen positives: 54
  • Active cases: 479
  • Currently hospitalized: 43
  • Deaths: 6
  • Female in her 50s, pending racial demographic, Sutton County
  • Female in her 40s, Hispanic, Runnels County
  • Female in her 60s, Hispanic, pending county of residence
  • Female in her 50s, Hispanic, Schleicher County
  • Male in his 90s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Male in his 80s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Male in his 70s, pending racial demographic, Crockett County
  • Young male, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Female in her 20s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Female in her 90s, pending racial demographic, Crockett County
  • Male in his 30s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Male in his 50s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Young male, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Female in her 60s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Female in her 40s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Female in her 20s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Infant female, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Female in her 30s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Teenage female, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Young female, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Male in his 30s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Female in her 40s, pending racial demographic, Crockett County
  • Male in his 70s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Male in his 20s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Male in his 40s, pending racial demographic, Runnels County
  • Male in his 40s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Male in his 20s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Infant female, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Young female, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Teenage male, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Male in his 40s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Female in her 20s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Female in her 50s, pending racial demographic, Runnels County
  • Male in his 20s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Teenage male, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Male in his 50s, pending racial demographic, Sutton County
  • Male in his 40s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Female in her 60s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Male in his 60s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Male in his 30s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Female in her 50s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Female in her 40s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Teenage male, pending racial demographic, Runnels County
  • Male in his 50s, pending racial demographic, Runnels County
  • Female in her 20s, pending racial demographic, Concho County
  • Female in her 20s, pending racial demographic, Concho County
  • Male in his 20s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Male in his 20s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Female in her 90s, pending racial demographic, Crockett County
  • Female in her 30s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Female in her 30s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Female in her 20s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Male in his 30s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Male in his 50s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Female in her 60s, pending racial demographic, TGC
  • Male in his 60s, pending racial demographic, Crockett County

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Wabo73, Sun, 07/12/2020 - 04:37

Just have to say the one saying she’s a nurse and a coder there’s a big difference in pay there and why woulda nurse take a cut in pay ? Also the other one saying Shannon is a non for profit is full of shit that was changed many years ago the Shannon family money was going to pay bills on patients aka farms ranchers the reason it was built and to pay raises for nurses. That’s no l her done that money goes to building and expansion only aka for profit for last 15?+ years if the Shannon family knew what was gona happen they would’ve worded things better or never built anything for any rancher or farmer in area but if your name is Juan and you go to ER for MINOR stuff and don’t pay bill the rest of use get to with $1,000 hr ER visit or pay double on ultrasound $1700 or pay $870 now? Makes me want to puke cut the money for kids piping out and drug test for food stamps and line star card and whatever else. There 75% of the Texas tax’s NOT going to illegals or dopeheads if you can afford the dope you don’t need welfare

Over 300 new cases in a week yet we have been MADE to wear them for 2.5 weeks. Hmm. Carry the one, add the 3....
Trump 2020!

Have you ever heard that term "ignorance is bliss"? Surgeons must wear mask because they think they look cool if as you state they don't work. Moreover medical experts say they do work, what do you have to dispute other than an ignorant rant. The mask thing is working out nicely for me and millions of others, we're not infected with CV-19.

Surgeons wear masks for virus control?
Oh boy.
Your right, ignorance really is bliss.

You just proved your ignorance. You are unaware that mask prevent the spreading of germs. BTW it would be you're right and not "your right" you uneducated barefoot putz.

To play a risky game and claim victory when the game just started is not a mark of great accomplishment. What sucks more than wearing a mask is being infected with CV-19, end up hospitalized or in a coffin ready for the dirt nap.

Every time Trump spews some stupid BS concerning COVID-19 you tRumpers fall inline and eat all the chit sandwiches that tRump serves. Have you had your tRump suggested disinfectant injection yet?

Portland is calling. They want you to help build the new chop 2.0 and do some burning and cop killing.
So git. And take that ignorant Logan with you.

I don't recall yanking your chain or rattling your cage. You should stop barking and growling while keeping your lame comment to yourself.

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