Traveling Catholic Group TFP Stops To Pray in San Angelo


SAN ANGELO, TX – If you drove down Bryant around Houston Harte on Thursday during lunch then you probably noticed a group of men speaking out against problems in today's world. 

The group is from the American Society for the Defense, Tradition, and Property and they are currently on a national prayer tour. The tour is called "TFP Rosary Campaign to Restore America."

According to TFP the goal of the tour is to go around America, visiting every major city, and bring the word of God back into society. 

"America and the world now face a turning point in history that will define generations to come," stated a pamphlet titled "Warning! A Virus Threatens America's Future and Christian Civilizations" handed out by the group. "In addition to the suffering and death toll, the coronavirus pandemic might trigger the greatest changes that humanity has face in Christianity's two thousand years." 

The TFP group marched with signs asking for support from San Angeloans. The signs stated "Honk Against Socialism," "Honk Against Communist China," "Honk to Rebuild America," and "Calm, Courage, Confident." They also prayed a rosary in San Angelo. 

They heard multiple "honks" during their stop. Leader of the group Cesar Franco says their goal is to spread the word of God and get America back to what is once was.

"Prophets of a post-coronavirus world are appearing. They propose to make the world more egalitarian, ecological, and post-industrial. Their new world will neither correct past mistakes nor introduce a return to order based on natural law and the principles of organic society," continued the pamphlet. "Instead, some liberals hope for the utopian world of radical ecologists and Indian tribalists. Others dream of one-world rule, first in the are of public health, then ecology, politics and, finally, even philosophy and religion." 

The group will continue to move across the country.

For more check out their websites,,, and

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