SAN ANGELO, TX — San Angelo’s first-ever Cowboy Way Jubilee will throw open the gates of Fort Concho July 23-26 and the big, sprawling event will be sanitized, social distanced and the number of people in each building will be limited, following Gov. Greg Abbott’s State of Texas guidelines.
After three years treating Oklahoma fans to “all things Cowboy,” Texas gets its first opportunity to enjoy this modern-day wild west experience. Officials are ready to make it a safe, exciting event.
According to producer Leslei Fisher, the three-day event is like a Comic-Con® for Cowboys.
“Fans can get up close and personal with Western stars, such as Clu Galager, Robert Carradine and Darby Hinton. “Booger” Brown, co-star of the popular INSP show, Cowboy Way: Alabama will be here too. There will be authors, poets and look-a-likes, workshops and demos. The Jubilee features the Film Festival, the premier of a new movie short, discussions, and the larger-than-life people who acted in the best-loved TV series. There is cowboy music all day every day — that’s the western part of Country and Western, and special evening concerts,” said Fisher.
Following the guidelines outlined May 18 by the Texas governor, the event will abide by the health and safety protocols as established by the Governor’s Office for the State of Texas, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and also the recommendations of the John Hellerstedt, M.D., the Chief Medical Officer, Commissioner for the Texas Department of State Health Services.
In addition, the staff at Fort Concho are also very aware of these guidelines, and the City of San Angelo-run facility will follow all guidelines for the safety of staff, volunteers, attendees, performers, celebrities, and dignitaries.
Fisher explained, “Keep in mind a good number of our celebrities and performers are in the higher risk categories. Bringing face masks and gloves is highly encouraged as is making these ‘one time use’ before laundering.”
Guests are invited to dress up in period costume from the 1800s to the early 1900s and enter the costume contest. There’s chuck wagon cook, food and vendors, with poets and cowboys and cowgirls spinnin’ yarns. Of course, San Angelo’s Concho Cowboys will be right in the middle of everything.
The Cowboy Way Jubilee begins Thursday, July 23, from 5:30-9 p.m. with a free sing-along. Friday the Fort Concho grounds are open from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. with a concert by Martin & Pratt Duo (Caleb Martin & Gary S. Pratt) at 9 p.m. From 7 to 8:30 p.m. there will be a semi-private memorial service for actor James Drury, “The Virginian” at The Stables at Fort Concho.
Saturday the Jubilee is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. with concerts by Stephen Pride, the youngest brother of Charlie Pride, at 7 p.m. and American Idol performer Kristyn Harris with Hailey Sandoz at 9 p.m.
Sunday events start at 8:30 a.m. with Cowboy Church. After that, television stars, musicians, poets, authors will be entertaining and meeting fans until 5 p.m. The Sureshot Awards banquet is 7-10 p.m. in the Fort Concho Stables. Advanced reservations are required for the banquet.
The Cowboy Way Jubilee is a fun-filled weekend for the whole family. All kids under 18 are admitted FREE. There are fees for workshops or special movies, but kids can meet the stars and listen to music completely free. Go to to see pricing and information and to register for the event. For more information, read the Cowboy Way Tribune newsletter at the website.
For a detailed list of protocol and attendee safety recommendations, please refer to the website,….
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Listed By: Johnny Rutherford
I've noticed a recurring theme in recent Live! articles. Ms. Ramirez-Munoz states certain businesses "may" open based on Governor Ironside's dictum. Or the cowboy festival/hoe-down will "go ahead in-person." Excuse me? In America, government works for the people, not vice versa. Good grief, are you a man or a sheep?
And take off those ridiculous face diapers.
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