Coronavirus: City Reopens Parks & Walking Trails for Exercise Only


SAN ANGELO, TX – The city of San Angelo has reopened some parks and walking areas for exercise beginning Monday morning.

Here is the information from the city:

Beginning at 8 a.m. Monday, April 13, the closures that were in place for Easter weekend are returning to their previous status. 

  • Parks
    • For the most part they are closed. You can use them for exercise, such as walking, hiking, etc. but you cannot congregate with others who are not from your household
    • The Dog Park is open to the public. People utilizing the Dog Park must maintain social distancing from others who are not from their household
    • Camping is prohibited
    • Playgrounds are closed
    • Tennis courts are closed
  • Trails
    • Concho River Walk and the Red Arroyo Trail will reopen to the public
    • No congregating
    • Maintain social distancing from others
    • The KOA walking trail remains closed to all pedestrian traffic.
  • Lake Nasworthy
    • Public docks and ramps will reopen to the public to people from the same household
    • Fishing and boating are allowed by people from the same household
    • Maintain social distancing from others

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