SAN ANGELO, TX – San Angelo city officials Wednesday clarified the order banning outdoor activities.
Boating, fishing, walking and golf are allowed under certain circumstances.
Here is what the city released Wednesday:
In order to align with Governor Abbott’s order we have made some clarifications to our order from yesterday.
Public boat ramps and docks may be used for launching boats but only members of the same household may be on a boat. There shall be no congregating at ramps, docks or parking areas.
Hiking, biking, and walking trails may remain open but at least six feet of distance must remain between people and congregating or activities other than walking, running or biking is strictly prohibited.
Golf courses may remain open for golf but all congregating and clubhouse and other facility activities must cease. There can be no more than two people from the same household in the same cart and proper social distancing must occur at all times between people from different households. Any club carts or equipment must be thoroughly disinfected between users.
Any other facilities not listed may remain open but must ensure no persons from different households can interact while at the facility.
Hunting, fishing, and other solo recreation is not limited by this order if it does not occur with people outside of a single household.
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I would like to say thank you to the city commission for the clarification and change in policy pertaining to boating and golfing.
The constant naysayers that lambaste each and every move the city makes, please take note.
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