Coronavirus: Brazos County Orders Shelter-In-Place


BRYAN, TX – Brazos County has ordered a shelter-in-place in a unprecedented move. The announcement was made during a Monday afternoon news briefing held by the Brazos County Health District. Brazos County currently had 12 positive cases of COVID-19, including two that have occurred via community spread.

According to KBTX, the order is expected to last two weeks, but Mayor Karl Mooney stated it could be extended. The order was put in place to get ahead of the virus and will affect cities like Bryan and College Station.

"This order came about because one thing we cannot afford is complacency. Everyone has to take this virus seriously. If we don't we will be faced with the same dilemma and the same loss of life as in other countries and cities," said Mooney

According to Mooney, a shelter-in-place allows citizens to leave but only for essential reasons while maintaining 6 feet apart from other individuals. It's requires citizens to only conduct essential business and activities until the spread of COVID-19 is contained. The main goal is to reduce unnecessary interaction between individuals and groups of people.

Citizens of may go outside and partake in physical activity, but they are “strongly encouraged to keep a minimum distance of at least six feet.” Essential services and businesses will remain open during the shelter-in-place.

The order will go into effect at 9:00 p.m. Tuesday night, but Mooney urged citizens to begin sooner if possible. A hotline has been established for individuals who have questions regarding the order; the number is 979-361-5136.

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