Video: theCITY TV and Video Show Highlights Meyers, Youker Awards


“theCITY,” a City of San Angelo interview show, highlights the efforts behind two Texas Municipal League awards San Angelo recently won by featuring community partners in the City’s neighborhood blitzes and its stormwater education program. 

The Rev. Craig Meyers, a leader in the West Texas Organizing Strategies grassroots group, talks about how the annual neighborhood blitzes have helped brighten blighted neighborhoods. Christy Youker, education director for the Upper Colorado River Authority, talks about the UCRA’s partnership with the City in educating the public about stormwater quality, a project that involves the student group the Aqua Squad, the group that City Councilman Winkie Wardlaw doesn't care for at all.


The show is airing, beginning on SATV, the City’s government access channel on Suddenlink cable Channel 17, at 6 a.m., 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. through Nov. 5. Additionally, local FOX affiliate KIDY will air the episode at 9 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 27. KIDY is channel 10 on the Suddenlink system.

“theCITY” can also be viewed on the The City of San Angelo's YouTube page.

City officials last week collected the City Spirit and the Public Works awards for cities with populations greater than 25,000 at the Texas Municipal League’s annual state conference. San Angelo was the only double-winner at the conference, winning two of the five honors awarded to the state’s largest cities, including metropolitan centers such as Dallas, Houston, Austin and San Antonio. 

This was the first time City officials could recall San Angelo being honored at the TML’s statewide gathering.

The show also features an employee spotlight of police officer Howard Miller and his partner, K-9 officer Thor.

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