WATCH: City Lists Entire 32,800-Acre Ford Ranch for Sale for $52,480,000


SAN ANGELO, TX — The entire Ford Ranch is for sale, said the broker hired by the ranch owner, the City of San Angelo. James King, owner of King Land and Water with offices in Fort Davis and Austin, is the broker hired by the City of San Angelo for the ranch sale. He said his company specializes in large, specialty ranch land property.

He said the City initially tested the market with two smaller parcels of land from the ranch earlier this year. For those smaller parcels, the CIty received a few inquiries, but no firm offers, King said. One of the parcels included a ghost town.

“The City decided to sell the entire ranch to one buyer,” King said. Now that legal work to protect the water rights and to guarantee the surface rights, like well fields, with allowances for growth if needed, the City believes having one owner of the entire ranch will be more beneficial rather than having to work with a half dozen separate land owners.

The ranch encompasses 32,800 acres in McCulloch, Menard, and Concho Counties. It is a working ranch with excellent wildlife and livestock management operations ongoing there for decades, King said. At the asking price of $52,480,000 means the price is around $1,600 per acre.

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“This is a famous working cattle and hunting ranch with an average grazing capacity of around 900 animal units, or AU, year-round. Pastures are designed to accommodate three herds of livestock all rotating within a well managed system using forage quality, availably and rainfall as criteria for duration,” King wrote on the listing brochure for the ranch.

For the buyer of the ranch, the City has a few covenants:

“The City of San Angelo owns the Ford Ranch and intends to protect its reserved groundwater resources by placing subdivision Deed Restrictions to no more than 3-4 tracts on the southern portion of the ranch where the existing well field is located which includes the new wells currently being planned. This area represents approximately 20,000 acres. Additionally, the 22 fenced well sites will be reserved by the City along with access and pipeline easements. The City will also retain a small 30-acre area on the north end where the existing pumping facilities are located out to the FM Road. A survey with these reservations will be provided to the new Buyer,” the listing notes.

The City purchased the ranch in 2017 for $44 million.

You can view more of the ranch at the King Land & Water website.

More on the Ford Ranch:



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