SAN ANGELO, TX — Saturday night, San Angelo police rushed to the 1800 block of Greenwoood. There was a drive-by shooting and a 12-year-old boy was shot in the gut, dispatch announced over the radio.
When we arrived at the scene, police were everywhere. Crime scene tape was deployed around the area where the boy was shot. Police could be seen scanning the exterior of nearby residences looking for video surveillance cameras. Maybe someone had a clue about who did this?
WATCH The incident scene Saturday night:
The investigation led police to a nearby apartment complex. They asked for the manager to come help them find what police were looking for.
Meanwhile, the boy who was shot was rushed to Shannon Medical Center in an ambulance. Police cars escorted the ambulance. When police escort an ambulance, it usually means the patient is in dire shape. Or worse. We saw the adults visibly upset in the front yard near the scene of the incident.
We learned later that Shannon was able to stabilize the boy and he was transported to Dell Children's Hospital in Austin where he is reported to be in stable condition.
After the investigation overnight, police learned the incident wasn't what all had initially feared. Police found witnesses who told them the shooting was accidental. Then Crime Scene Investigation inspectors found evidence that backed the accidental shooting claim.
"The victim's injuries were due to the mishandling of a firearm," police said this morning in a statement. The firearm was recovered at the scene.
Just write the story don’t say anything if y’all can’t take whatever the comment is take down the entire San Angelo live page. Seen other smarts.. writers do same so they get it from YOU. ALSO lie to police oh there screwed police all over looking for a car and there wasent one the ones involved need have charges filed on them for sure and no more guns for any of them EVER
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