Multiple Crashes on North Bryant at 19th Street


Police and fire rescue crews responded to a three-car pile-up at the intersection of North Bryant and 19th Street at approximately 5:15 p.m. Thursday. Just as police arrived at the scene, a second major crash happened near the same location involving an 18-wheeler.

Bryant Blvd. is a bloody mess metaphorically. Though we saw no indications of any injuries, just some hot tempers.

Involved in the first crash was a Mazda CX-7, a Ram 2500 Megacab, and a green station wagon.

From our casual observation of the first crash, it appears that one of the cars rear-ended the Ram 2500 and a domino of collisions ensued. Police are investigating and one lane on North Bryant is blocked.

Update 5:53 p.m.

A San Angelo police unit was responding with sirens and lights to an earlier call and traveling through the North Bryant and 14th Street intersection. A Toyota Camry station wagon yielded to the police unit as it crossed Bryant. When the Camry yielded, the Ram 2500 hit the Camry from behind. Then, the Mazda CX-7 hit the Ram Truck from behind.

As the traffic volume swelled around the intersection due to the crash, a second, though minor, crash occurred with an undetermined make and model car and an 18-wheeler.

Investigating San Angelo police officer Palmer said that in the first crash, the Camry did the correct thing by law and yielded to a responding emergency

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Ever since that far right lane (in front of Whataburger) was made into a turn lane it has caused daily problems. Everyday traveling home from work I see many, many cars and also lots of trucks realize too late its now a turn lane & dart left to get out of the lane OR they drive straight thru the intersection in the lane & then almost cause wrecks with people in the correct lane. I realize there is a sign, but if you are someone from San Angelo or a trucker that drives this route, many do not think anything has changed from what that road has been like for 50+ years. Maybe something new, flashing sign or something needs to be put up. If you think it's not a problem, park and watch someday from about 5pm on & count how many times it happens. Especially after dark it gets really scary sometimes.
jdgt, Fri, 07/18/2014 - 09:50
Had a few who zoomed/swerved over in front of me to avoid having to turn there. Perhaps a cement barrier that aids cars in making the turn!

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