Box Truck Lies on its Side at Houston Harte and Glenna


The Houston Harte access road at the Glenna St exit has been blocked due to an overturned box truck on the access road. The truck, a Chevrolet, is the only vehicle involved in the accident.

The San Angelo Police Department and Fire Department both responded to the scene and are currently diverted past the Glenna St. exit for those on the loop. 

An ambulance did respond to the scene, however whether anyone was transported to the hospital has not yet been reported. The area will likely remain closed for at least the next 30 minutes, if not longer. 

Update 2:55 p.m.

Sergeant Korby Kennedy stated that 57-year-old Dale Wayne May was driving the truck owned by Keystone Automotive out of Arlington, westbound on the loop when he took the exit toward Glenna St. 

"Once upon the exit he veered a little to the right and hit the delineator paddles that are at the intersection of the offramp and Alexander St., overcorrected to the left [and] left the roadway," Kennedy said. "When he entered back into the roadway he was in a broad slide and eventually turned over, landing on the left side and sliding to a stop."

No injuries were reported as a result of the crash and no charges have been filed. 

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