MIDLAND, TX -- Some community organizers in Midland are attempting to get rid of Midland Independent School District Superintendent Orlando Riddick.
According to the far left, for profit website change.org, a group of Midland activists are pushing for Riddick's resignation. "Midland community members are requesting for the resignation of Orlando Riddick, Midland Independent School District Superintendent in Midland, Texas.
According to the website, after nearly a year of leadership, Mr. Riddick has failed to optimally perform in the following areas, which are a part of his contractual obligations as the head of schools MISD.
In addition to his resignation, we are requesting the removal of specific leaders and employees of under his authority, which are tied to the collapse of leadership and school administration under Mr. Riddick."
Midland ISD offered the following response from Superintendent Orlando Riddick.
"Upon arriving in Midland, it has been my goal to engage with our community. There are claims made in this petition that are simply not true, and I encourage our community and the news media to ask hard questions and seek more information before making assumptions about my leadership, members of my team and my work.
I have been extremely transparent and accessible since I came to this district. In the past year, Midland ISD has hosted a number of community engagement events.
We have gone directly to our community seeking ways we can improve our district through a Listen and Learn Tour coupled with multiple parent meetings.
During these meetings, we discuss openly with our community difficult topics and engage in very dynamic conversations. Boundary changes, transformation, in-district charter partnerships, and before and after-school programs, are examples.
More so than ever before, we are collaborating with parents, business, faith-based, and community-serving organizations. A transparent example of this is the creation of the bullying task force which includes parents, community members, district staff and Midland Moms on a Mission. Our goal will remain to engage with our community. "
In a June op-ed, Riddick told Reporter-Telegram readers the following: "Over the past several weeks, there has been a number of allegations and statements made attacking and falsely accusing the school district of 'sweeping under the rug' 'covering up,' and 'withholding' information regarding bullying instances throughout our district. Incredibly harsh accusations and attacks against our campuses and staff have run rampant like wildfires in the media and throughout social media.
"In all of my years in education, I have learned that this type of behavior stems from misunderstanding, mistrust and lack of collaboration between the community and a public school system. As your superintendent of schools, it is my commitment to you to be forthright and transparent in all areas that impact our school district, including academics, finance, facilities, safety and security, etc.
"Anyone at Midland ISD, myself included, will tell you the safety of our students is our top priority."
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Change.org in Midland? Hey Yantis, dig deeper into this issue. I'm curious to know how/why liberal activists are involved. Midland is decidedly conservative, so something hinky is causing the liberal weeping and gnashing of teeth.
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PermalinkSince when has Change.org been considered a "far left" website? Oh, when writing "click-bait" style headlines, that's when. Change.org is a platform for user generated petitions. Far left? Give me a break. I was expecting to discover the left's equivalent of Breitbart when I clicked on this article....but I guess you got my click, which is all that matters.
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