SAN ANGELO, TX -- We live with them every day. The only good thing about them is you can buy all your friends a gift with money from your swear jar.
I have a few, well, more than a few.
For example, it’s probably not illegal for someone to ride a highway on or off ramp at 45 miles per hour so they can avoid one light or one yield sign between two exits on the access road.
Say you’re driving west on Loop 306 and you want to exit onto Knickerbocker. But there’s some guy—“guy” in the non-gender sense—that enters the ramp at College Hills just to avoid the yield sign on the access road between College Hills and Knickerbocker.
You have to slow down to 45 miles per hour in a 60 mile per hour zone to squeeze behind the guy riding the ramp so you can exit. That means everyone else behind you has to slow to 45, and so on and so. This is how chain accident happens.
Or you could speed up to 90 miles per hour and try to get ahead of the guy riding the ramp. Now you’re breaking the law.
“Failure to control speed?” Who me, or the guy causing traffic on the highway to back up for miles?
Here’s another. You’re sitting at a stop light. Maybe you’ve just come from a nice meal, or maybe you’re showing you’re out of town visitors our beautiful city. All is well, that is, until the guy in front of you opens his vehicle door and dribbles out a stream of brown tobacco.
Now that nice meal is sitting kind of heavy in your stomach. Get a cup!
I’m sure I’m not the only one with pet peeves. What’s yours?
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OMG, makes we wish I could make a citizens arrest. I see this happening more times each day than I care to. Put your phones away!!! If it's an emergency call, they will eventually get in touch with you. Or pull over to take the call. And don't even get me started on those who text!!!!!!!
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PermalinkReally can't understand why there is a law against texting, which I think is great; but no law against using your cell phone unless you are under age 18. Texting or cell phone use are both a total distraction regardless of age. How many times have you been behind someone going really, really slow; then notice they have a phone up to their ear. Makes me crazy.
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PermalinkThe Picture used of Police stopping Vehicles should be a norm for San Angelo. Too many drivers passing red lights and speeding throughout San Angelo. Too many drivers not having a driver license nor insurance should not be. I would like to see more policeman on the the streets and giving out tickets. Start checking drivers throughout the city. Have road blocks. Do something!!! Too many roads need repair. Maybe that way Revenue will go up to fix "pot holes" throughout the city. Let those who are ticketed pay and not just a slap on the hand. Unlicensed drivers keep doing the same thing over and over as there is no real consequences.
San Angelo has many problems. Like all those brown and green trashcans out in the street or curves. No one moves them back near the house but leaves them close to he street where "it looks bad". The old mayor and city council are gone and the damage has been done so lets hope the new mayor and city council will drive around the city and take note. I am tired of roads being in such disarray. Trash cans need to go back to the alley and Trash company needs to go back to picking up trash in the alleys. Too many drivers are having to swerve thus facing traffic head-on. Another idea is to ticket those who leave trash cans near the curve or on the street.
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PermalinkMr. Smith, you may have an alley behind your house, but I and many others do not. We have no choice but to put our bins at the curb. What do you propose we do? My neighbors and I are very vigilant about getting the bins out of the street as soon as they're emptied, but we're at the mercy of Republic as to how long they sit in the street.
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PermalinkThe guy in front of you in the parking lot spits out a stream of brown tobacco; or, almost as annoying to me, just spits.
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