ACU Discourages Students from Going to New Hooters


ABILENE, TX. – Abilene Christian University is discouraging students from applying for a job at Hooters, reported KTXS.

The restaurant chain is opening a new location on Jan. 15 near I-20 and Hwy 351, less than a mile and a half away from the ACU campus.

ACU declined an on-camera interview. But in a written statement to KTXS, Emerald Cassidy, ACU’s director of public and media relations said, “we have asked students to consider both what Hooters represents and whether that is something they really want to support in terms of both their faith and the value this business model places on women.”

She also referred to the university handbook which challenges “students to make decisions that ultimately glorify God” whether on or off campus.

“If a student was in a position where the university felt they were not upholding the standards in the handbook, we’d address those issues with that student at that time,” Cassidy said.

KTXS asked Cassidy if a student could be expelled if they choose to work at Hooters. We also asked if a male student would face discipline if they chose to eat, drink beer or watch a game at Hooters.

“All situations would be handled case-by-case. That’s the information I have for now,” Cassidy said. 

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