Abilene Woman Dies in 2-Vehicle Crash Saturday


SAN ANGELO – A fatal crash involving an Abilene woman occurred on Highway 277 about a half-mile south of Abilene Saturday night, KTXS reported.

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) determined that Sarah Katherine Garcia, 32, was driving south in her pickup truck when another pickup drifted into her lane causing the crash.

The other pickup was driven by 30-year-old Marcus Torres of Abilene.

DPS said the road conditions were wet at the time of the crash. However, the report did not specify what caused Torres to drift into Garcia’s lane. They crashed at about 9:25 p.m.

The DPS report states that Garcia was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident, according to KTXS. The reports also detailed that Garcia wasn't’ wearing her seat belt, but Torres was.

Torres was treated for minor injuries and released from the scene.

Torres hasn't been cited at this time. However, DPS is expected to release more information after further investigation takes place. 

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