SAN ANGELO, TX – In an effort to promote safe recycling and offer residents the opportunity to dispose of dangerous substances the San Angelo Friends of the Environment is hosting the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day on June 3rd. The center will be accepting a wide selection of items and products.
The event will go on from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the SAFE Recycling Center located at 702 Warehouse Road. Those who wish to volunteer must be 18 years or older.
Items that will be accepted:
- Acids & drain cleaners
- Antifreeze, brake fluids, transmission fluids, oil & oil filters
- Paints & thinners
- Lawn & garden chemicals, i.e. fertilizers and pesticides
- Solvents & degreasers
- Poisons
- Pool chemicals
- Aerosol cans, including inhalers
- Household cleaning products
- Propane tanks, i.e. small, for BBQ’s, Coleman
- Mercury i.e. old thermometers
- Sharps (Syringes, needles)
Items that we cannot accept:
- Containers that are not clearly labeled specifying the contents
- Containers larger than five gallons
- Biologically active substances
- Radioactive materials, smoke detectors
- Products containing dioxins or 2-4-5T
- Waste generated by business or industry
- Explosives or ammunition
- Reactive materials
The center also has the capability of accepting electronics for recycling. Normal business hours are Tuesday thru Saturday from 9:00 am to 4 pm. For more information regarding recycling specifics visit them at
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