SAN ANGELO, TX –San Angelo's Central High School's Mighty Bobcat Band is gearing up for the trip of a lifetime as they get ready to travel to Washington D.C to perform in the National Memorial Day parade. The high school band will be representing the state of Texas as they lead the parade at the nation’s capital.
“In the end [all the work] will really pay off for everybody,” Jake Barry, a current Central High School (CHS) senior said. “It will be an enjoyable experience for everyone.”
The school was chosen among a select group of schools to participate in one of the nation’s most important events. The band feels privileged to be honored with this opportunity and they have worked hard to ensure they are ready to give it their all on Monday. The D.C. parade is a new challenge for the talented band because they have never marched in a parade as lengthy as the one they will be participate in, but due to their weekly practices they are ready to perform their best for national television. “We are kind of nervous about the parade,” Val Fambro, section leader, said, as “we have never had to play so close together.”
The band will be taking 220 students that include a variety of freshmen, sophomores, juniors and graduating seniors who are determined to show the country the talent of the Mighty Bobcat Band. Coordinating a trip with so many students has also been a challenge, but thanks to community sponsorship and support, as well as, a very efficient tour agency, the band will be able to make to DC in an organized manner. Band members will be leaving in the early hours of Sunday morning to Dallas. There they will catch a plane to D.C. In order to be more efficient and make traveling less of a hassle, a trailer with student’s instruments, equipment and luggage made its way to D.C a few days before the band.
The event is even more special for graduating seniors as they will have the opportunity to join their band family on such an important event. Today the CHS senior are graduating at 10:00 a.m. Several graduating senior's have already pledged to come back the night of graduation to get ready to travel to D.C.
In addition to marching in the parade the band will have the opportunity to visit several national landmarks in D.C during their stay. Many students are looking forward to visiting the Smithsonian, the Arlington National Cemetery, where they will have the opportunity to see the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and several national monuments. The band will return to San Angelo on Thursday after a full schedule of sightseeing.
“I’m excited to look at the museums.” Kelsey Velasquez, CHS junior, said.
With several freshman performing in the parade, the band has been working together to ensure everyone is in step and able to march as one.
“Marching has been one of the toughest parts of practicing for the parade.” Amanda Landers, CHS sophomore, explained.
The trip would not be possible without the help and support provided by 70 parent chaperones who will help ensure the students stay safe in D.C. For the parents, it’s an amazing opportunity to have their children be a part of such an important event.
“I am extremely proud and excited to share this with [my daughter] and all of the band,” Amy Ott, parent and trip chaperone, said “This is an amazing opportunity for everyone in the band.”
Several student organizations, including ROTC cadets and Texanns, who will perform in the parade as well, will accompany the CHS band on their journey. This will make the Central High School band one of the largest groups at the parade. The band says they will do their best as they have all eyes on them during the opening of the parade.
For those who would like to see the Mighty Bobcat Band in action, please tune in on the live coverage on several television networks or on YouTube. SAISD is working on live-streaming on Channel 4, the school districts channel, but at the time of the interview it was not certain if the broadcast would be possible. The parade will begin at 1:00 p.m. Central Time.
“They are good kids, they really are.” Mike Barry, Assistant Director, said, “They have worked really hard this year.”
LIVE! congratulates the CHS Band, ROTC, and Texann members on this wonderful opportunity.
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