SAN ANGELO, TX - Over the weekend through yesterday, local law enforcement arrested and booked 93 people into the Tom Green County Jail, including 40-year-old Coty Lynn Veach, also known as Coty Shott Jackson.
At 4:57 p.m., Tom Green County Sheriff's deputies booked Veach into the Tom Green County Jail for Bigamy, a third degree felony, and Assault Causes Bodily Injury warrants. This is Veach's fourth arrest in Tom Green County, and her bonds total $17,000.
According to court records, Veach was indicted in July 2016 in the 51st District Court. The indictment notes that on or about Jan. 30, 2016, Veach "did then and there, while being legally married to [F. Jackson], intentionally and knowingly lives with [J. Veach], a person other than her spouse, in the State of Texas under the appearance of being married."
In a previous story, LIVE! explained how easy it is to commit bigamy in Tom Green County, and Mr. Jackson shared his frustrations about this unfortunate situation (see here).
Overall, including Veach, and out of the 93 arrests, 39 people went to jail for outstanding warrants, 47 for new crimes, and seven for both. As usual, drugs and alcohol top the list of offenses.
Here are those numbers and the other crimes to make the new complaint list:
- CPF X 1: 1
- Public Intoxication: 9
- DWI: 5
- Parole Violation: 1
- Possession/Delivery Drug Paraphernalia: 8
- Possession of Controlled Substance: 11
- Aggravated Assault w/Deadly Weapon: 2
- Possession of Marijuana: 8
- Evade/Resist Arrest: 4
- Theft of Property: 1
- Interfere w/Public Duties: 2
- Driving While License Invalid: 5
- Fail to Vacate Lane for Authorized Emergency: 1
- Interfere w/Emergency Request for Assistance: 1
- Assault by Contact: 1
- Possession of Dangerous Drug: 1
- Assault Causes Bodily Injury, Including Family Violence: 5
- Theft Class C: 3
- Fraud Destroy Removal Concealment: 1
- Unauthorized Use of Vehicle: 1
- Criminal Trespass: 1
- Poss. Use Inhale/Ingest Volatile Chemical: 1
- Unlawful Carrying of Weapon: 1
- Fail to Identify Fugitive from Justice: 1
- Manufacture Delivery of Controlled Substance: 2
- Theft of Service Attempted: 1
- Fleeing Police Officer: 1
- No Seatbelt: 1
- DC-Fighting: 2
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