SAN ANGELO, TX — The San Angelo Health Foundation awarded $251,222 to 15 area non-profit organizations this quarter.
Grants Chair Marilyn Aboussie said the following grants encompass public safety, health care, civic activities and services for the disabled:
Eola Volunteer Fire Department was awarded $90,000 to construct a new metal fire house. Eola VFD was organized in the 1940s and covers 335 square miles in Concho County.
Esperanza Health and Dental Centers was awarded $88,222 for facility renovations, a call center and new phone system. Since 1994 they have been providing primary health and dental services to our community. In addition, they offer pediatrics, women’s health and behavioral health services. In 2015 they saw over 9,000 patients.
San Angelo Area Foundation was awarded $25,000 for the matching fund for the San Angelo Gives program to be held in May 2017. This is a one day, 24-hour online fundraising effort to benefit local charities.
San Angelo Lions Charities was awarded $26,000 for the Cycle for Life Program. The Lions will purchase customized bicycles for children and adults with disabilities. The bicycles will provide freedom to enjoy outdoor activity based on the individual’s specific needs.
Unsolicited seasonal assistance grants for eleven organizations totaling $28,000 were also awarded for holiday programming needs to:
- Alcohol & Drug Abuse Council,
- Boys & Girls Club of San Angelo,
- Children’s Advocacy Center,
- Concho Valley Home for Girls/Children's Emergency Shelter,
- House of Faith,
- ICD Family Shelter,
- MOSAIC San Angelo,
- Salvation Army,
- San Angelo Early Childhood Center,
- San Angelo State Supported Living Center Volunteer Services Council, and
- West Texas Boys Ranch.
Today’s announced awards increase Foundation commitments to over $1.4 million for the year.
The San Angelo Health Foundation was formed in 1995 with a $44 million endowment from the sale of Angelo Community Hospital. Our mission is “to enhance the quality of life for the people of the San Angelo area”. The majority of Foundation funds have benefitted health, education and human service organizations that contribute to a healthy community.
Approximately 202 organizations and 644 projects have benefited from Foundation funding in 21 years of grant making.
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