Buy a Smoked Turkey or Ham to Benefit San Angelo's Children's Shelter


SAN ANGELO, TX — The annual smoked Turkey or Ham sale for charity will happen at Blaine’s Pub, 10 W. Harris Ave. this week.

Cody Sturm, proprietor, said that 12-14-pound fully-cooked smoked turkeys are $30 each and 10-pound hams are $40 each this year.

All of the profits will be donated to the Concho Valley Home for Girls and Emergency Shelter (

The Children’s Emergency Shelter is an essential charity that addresses the growing number of foster children in the region. Children, from newborns to 17 years old, who are awaiting a long-term place to live, may transition through the shelter. Their charge is to provide a safe and caring environment for children who are in a state of transition, which can be a traumatic and confusing time.

[[{"fid":"9161","view_mode":"default","type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"A closeup shot of the Blaine's barbequers taken from a drone. (contributed/Blaine's Pub)","title":"A closeup shot of the Blaine's barbequers taken from a drone. (contributed/Blaine's Pub)","height":"720","width":"960","class":"media-element file-default imgbody"}}]]
Above: A closeup shot of the Blaine's barbequers, Cookin' for Christ, taken from a drone in 2014. (contributed/Blaine's Pub)

The girls home is a separate, and original, part of the charity. It was founded in 1973 to offer girls from troubled homes the opportunity to overcome the past hurt and prepare the girls for a positive future. Most of the girls’ home residents are 14 years old and up, and closer to the “age-out” of the state’s foster care system. The center remains a resource for many of their girls through the age of 25, helping them transition into normal, productive lives.

[[{"fid":"9163","view_mode":"preview","type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"Blaine’s cooking crew delivered 204 turkeys and hams, raising over $4,000 for the TGC 4H. (LIVE! Photo/Joe Hyde)","title":"Blaine’s cooking crew delivered 204 turkeys and hams, raising over $4,000 for the TGC 4H. (LIVE! Photo/Joe Hyde)","height":"675","width":"1200","class":"media-element file-preview imgbody"}}]]
Above: Blaine’s cooking crew delivered 204 turkeys and hams in 2014. The goal this year is 500, give or take. (LIVE! Photo/Joe Hyde)

Cooking for Christ will man an armada of smokers and barbeque pits in the empty lot adjacent Blaine’s Pub starting Monday, Nov. 21, smoking the turkeys and hams for order. Patrons can pickup their order Tuesday afternoon.

The tradition is a growing concern. In 2014, $4,000 gross was raised. Last year it was over $6,000.

Sturm recommends pre-ordering your turkey or ham this year so the cookers can order enough meat.

You can stop by Blaine’s Pub to pre-pay for your order, or call the pub at (325) 653-7074.

Once again, orders can be picked up Tuesday after 5 p.m. 

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