BRONTE, TX - Located on US-277 N, just 30 minutes from San Angelo, the Bronte, Texas sign reads population 999. Resident Jodie Arrott said, "It's been that way for years," and jokingly added, "We just didn't have that one person to make it an even thousand." Over the years, the census has stayed about the same, but the community is diligently working together in hopes of increasing those numbers.
In an effort to revitalize the town to attract more residents, Arrott acknowledged, "We've got some work to do regarding some old houses and repairs in other areas. This past year, volunteers from the community have really come together and made some major improvements. Right now, we're focusing on our city park. We've added tennis courts and disc golf so far with many more amenities planned. The Kickapoo Creek runs through the park as well so it's going to be really nice; it just needs a little TLC."

Arrott added that to raise the funds to continue the upgrades, the city will be hosting its 2nd Annual Bronteoberfest fundraiser on Saturday, October 22.
"Last year's event was a tremendous success where over 2,000 people attended," she said.
Arrott is a Board member for the Restoring Bronte Foundation, which has replaced the local Chamber of Commerce and is also in charge of the park restoration project. So far she has been inundated with calls and messages from people wanting more information and said, "There will be plenty of food, family friendly contests, and live music for all."
Arrott said the city is still looking for more vendors as well as additional sponsors, for without sponsorship money, these events or this restoration would not be possible," said Arrott. "All donations are 100 percent tax deductible."
Also, sign up sheets are located on the agency's Facebook and website pages, click here.
"We will have a sausage eating contest. There will be several food trucks, and no festival would be complete without a good old-fashioned cook-off; categories include: chicken, ribs, and brisket. Dessert is optional, but must be made on an open fire. Last year, they made some really good cobblers. This year, separate from the cook off, is an ice cream cook-off specifically for the kids, and they will get prizes. Our slogan is, 'It's Oktoberfest but with a splash of West Texas.'"
There will also be a goat roping event, and two races will be held that day as well. First the Bronte Volunteer Fire Department will host its 'BVFD Fund Run' starting at 8 a.m., and all proceeds will go to raise funds for the construction of the new fire station. Race Day registration starts at 7 a.m., and the event will include a 1/2 marathon, 10k and 5k run, and a 1 mile walk.

Arrott added, "For dog lovers, there is a 'Running of the Weiner's (Dachshunds and Dachshunds mixes), with a first place costume winner for the dogs. Any costume is allowed, but an Oktoberfest themed costume is favored. They are not required to run in their costumes but need to show up wearing them. They will be announced in their costume after they are registered and prior to the start of the race (no model experience required). Please no biters and no aggressive dogs!"

For those people who appreciate classic vehicles, there will also be a Deutsche-Euro Vehicle Show, open to all classes/makes of German & European vehicles, including motorcycles, made before 1985. Some of these include: Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen, BMW, Audi, Jaguar, and Fiats.
Previously, local residents Jim and Jeanette Stewart have been holding an annual 'Oldies but Goodies Classic Car Show every August for the last eight years to benefit charitable causes (click here). Stewart said, however, "Instead of holding it in October, we opted to have a second event and do Euro cars to stick with the typical German Oktoberfest theme. With the OBGCCS, the majority of those vehicles are American made. There isn't another German/European car show until you get to the hill country; theres' nothing like it over here in West Texas."

The car show will be at a nice location under the shade trees where people can just kick back and visit a "laid back" show.
"We want people to enjoy their time appreciating and viewing the vehicles," Stewart said. "There is a $20 entry fee, and the pre-registration form is on our Facebook page (click here)."
Stewart added, "Participants may also register the day of the show from 9 a.m.-10 a.m."
The show will run until 3 p.m. with judging starting at 2p.m. There will be five different categories: overall show winner, best vehicle and props presentation, oldest vehicle, longest distance traveled, and most original/stock vehicle. Plaques will be awarded to the winners with a trophy for the grand prize winner.
To finish out the night, two Texas country bands will entertain the crowd while they dance under the star-lit skies. Kramer LaBarge will go on at 9 p.m. and Zane Williams at 10 p.m. Tickets are only $15 per person and guests are encouraged to bring their own lawn chairs. This part of the event will take place at the Bronte Park Pavilion.

Arrott concluded, "We're a small town; we don't have a lot of rules, and welcome everybody to this family-friendly event."
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