Driver Runs Red Light, Causes Drivers to Swerve and Hit Utility Pole


One driver went to the hospital this afternoon with non-life-threatening injuries after hitting a utility pole on Avenue L and Oakes St.

Crash on Avenue L (LIVE! Photo/Stephanie Lindgren)

Officer Alvarez, with the San Angelo Police Department, said, just before noon, the owner of a blue Dodge Ram ran a red light in the area and turned, which caused the driver of a Honda Ridgeline to swerve. The Ridgeline also caused the driver of a Toyota Camry to swerve and hit a utility pole. The third driver took the brunt of the crash, said Alvarez.

The officer said the Ridgeline and Camry received damaged. Additionally, the driver who caused the crash was about to leave the scene; however, when she realized she may have caused the crash, she drove around the block and returned to it, said Alvarez.

Crash on Avenue L (LIVE! Photo/Stephanie Lindgren)

The driver of the Camry was sent to the hospital for precautionary measures. She said she hit her head on the windshield, noted Alvarez.

Crash on Avenue L (LIVE! Photo/Stephanie Lindgren)

He added that the driver of the truck may receive a citation for running a red light.

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