3 Students Recognized During Fire Prevention Week


Three San Angelo-area schoolchildren were recognized at the annual Fire Prevention Month drawing contest sponsored by the San Angelo Rotary Club.

This year’s theme was about the use and proper care of smoke alarms. Student artists were recognized as first place winners each from the third, fourth, and fifth grades of the art contest. The winners were

  • Meredith Ocampo, third grade, TLCA (teacher Ms. Sanchez)
  • Miranda Urteaga, fourth grade, Austin Elementary (teacher Ms. Sifuentes)
  • Anastasiya Bradham, fifth grade, Lamar (teacher Ms. Clader)

San Angelo Fire Dept. Inspector Thomas Truett said that this is the 39th year for the program with the San Angelo Rotary Club, and the program has been ongoing in San Angelo many years prior to that. Fire Marshal Ross Coleman said that the idea for a Fire Prevention Month originated in the aftermath of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.

KLST personality Pat Attebery has presented the awards as long as Truett can remember. This may be her last year with the program, Truett said. She was given a standing ovation by the club for her long history promoting the program.

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