
  • Sea Cadets Hold Special Training Event in San Angelo

    07/19/2022 - 23:09 , by live
    SAN ANGELO, TX — San Angelo has a new Sea Cadet battalion. Sunday, about 100 Sea Cadets from all over the surrounding region graduated from a special training camp where kids aged 10-17 practiced swimming, marching, first aid, and a variety of other basic skills and workshops designed to develop leadership and, for some, future service in America’s armed forces.
  • Biden Caves to Congressman Pfluger's Demand

    07/19/2022 - 22:27 , by live
    Last week, Congressman August Pfluger (R-TX) and other members of the House Homeland Security committee revealed that the Department of Homeland Security was refusing to brief the Committee on two significant terrorist plots planned on U.S. soil without a signed privacy waiver from the suspected terrorists.