7 Injured in Freak Incident at San Antonio Zoo


SAN ANTONIO, TX — Guests at the San Antonio Zoo experienced a horrific shock on Wednesday, March 15, when a tree “unexpectedly broke and fell” on several guests, injuring seven, including one with critically. KSAT.com first reported the incident and has video footage of the broken tree.

According to a zoo official, the incident occurred around 12:05 p.m. After the tree fell, the Zoo security/EMT team treated the injured guests along with San Antonio Park Police, the San Antonio Police Department, and the San Antonio Fire Department when they arrived on the scene.

According to SAFD spokesman Joe Arrington, one of the injured guests was transported to a hospital as a Priority 1, which usually indicates a victim suffered a life-threatening injury.

San Antonio Zoo

San Antonio Zoo

(Credit: wikimedia.org)

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