Teen Beats Up Home Intruder with a Baseball Bat


SAN ANGELO, TX – A San Antonio teen became a hero in her home after she stopped an intruder by beating him with a bat.

According to the Pruski family, last month, a "crazed man armed with a large wooden club smashed his way through the front window" of their home during the day.

Surveillance footage showed the suspect attempting to open the door while armed with a wooden pole.

Connie Pruski and her husband attempted to fend off the intruder but were unable to subdue him due to ongoing medical issues.

“It was very, very, very scary," said Connie Pruski. “He came in through the window. My husband didn't have his walker, but he took a chair and tried to hold him out with the chair. But the man was so much younger and like stronger."

According to Pruski, as she called the police her 12-year-old daughter Sara started hitting the intruder with a bat.

Sara told local media she struck the suspect, Ricky Gutierrez, at least nine times primarily on the head.

"I hope he never comes out of prison,” said Sara. “I hope he stays in there for the rest of his life."

When police arrived at the scene, they found shattered glass, blood-stained floors, and a subdued suspect.

Gutierrez was subsequently d charged with burglary of a habitation with intent to commit assault.

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