Mother Arrested As Police Search For Missing Toddler


SAN ANTONIO, TX  – Since the beginning of the year San Antonio police have been searching for D’Lanny Reaneille Chairez and her son James Avi Chairez. After weeks of inconsistent information, the 20-year-old mother has been arrested.

According to SAPD, Chairez and James were last seen on January 4th after a Walgreen's security captured them inside the store.

Since that day, Chairez has refused to provide her family with information about the location of her 18-month-old baby. According to family members, she even claimed she had given him to  “multiple different people for adoption.” The family has not seen James since Thanksgiving.

Chairez has been caught on surveillance cameras several times, including on a VIA bus. According to authorities, James has not been seen with her since February 21st.

On Monday, Chairez was brought in for questioning and would only tell officers she had given up James for adoption. 

Chairez told law enforcement she suffered from mental health issues and that she was not ready to be a mother. She also claimed her child "deserves better" and said he was in a better place.

After searching Chairez’s trailer, officers found the child's car seat, stroller, diapers, toys, and more. Officers also found human blood on a crib bed sheet.

At this time police believe James is alive and the search will continue.

"Investigators believe baby James is still in the San Antonio area. We are asking for any information on baby James’ whereabouts and who he may be with to call SAPD Missing Person’s Unit at 210-207-7660.”

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