Owner Arrested After Dog Mauls Toddler


HOUSTON, TX – Last month the images of the dog attack sustained by 3-year-old Ronin Waldroup went viral. On Tuesday, the dog's owner was charged with injury to a child and tampering with evidence.

According to the Waldroup's, their daughter was standing next to a Staffordshire Bull Terrier waiting to be seated at a restaurant when the dog attacked her unprovoked.

The dog's owner, 46-year-old Jennifer Romano, fled the restaurant. When Ronin's father confronted her she blamed the 3-year-old for the attack.

The toddler had to receive 14 stitches and will require plastic surgery to fix some of the damage created by the bite.

According to the Harris County Sheriff's Office, the dog, named Kingston, has a history of violence. Investigators discovered Kingston has bitten at least two other people. Kingston was euthanized as a result of the attack.

Authorities also discovered Romano had previously owned another dog that had seriously injured a woman in 2013. The victim in that attack was awarded more than $1.3 million after filing a lawsuit against the dog owner.

Romano's attorney released the following statement: “Jennifer Romano faces serious charges. This is a tragedy. We are praying for this child."

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