Sheriff: 51 Illegal Aliens Found Inside RV on Hwy 67


PRESIDIO, TX — On Friday morning deputies with the Presidio County Sheriff’s Office conducted a traffic stop that led them to locate 51 undocumented immigrants aboard an RV.

According to the sheriff’s office, the truck towing a fifth-wheel RV without license plates was traveling northbound on Hwy 67.

When deputies searched the recreational vehicle, they found 51 individuals who were being smuggled into the United States

The immigrants admitted they entered the U.S illegally and originated from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Mexico.

The case and undocumented immigrants were referred to Customs and Border Patrol.

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Well....... Now there needs to be 51 prisoners plus 1 smuggler all receiving 5 year mandatory prison sentence for the first offense, to a newly developed prison center where forced labor is mandatory in order for the center to be self sufficient by having inmates work 7 days per week during their sentence building structures, maintenance, planting and growing crops and livestock for food sources along with building a myriad of other items to be sent out to the public and sold to return funding back to the operation of the prison center.........

I bet those deputies were thinking of the little car that 20 clowns exit when they watched 51 come out of that RV. And to document the intelligence of the coyote human smugglers, they put a big red flag on themselves by towing an untagged RV........dumbasses.

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