Coronavirus: Texas Capital Closes All Bars & Restaurants


AUSTIN, TX – The Texas capital is joining the list of cities that are closing all bars and restaurant dining rooms in an effort to slow down the spread of the Coronavirus.

The Director of the Austin-Travis County Health Authority Dr. Mark Escott announced that public gatherings in the Austin are now limited to 10 people.

According to KXAN, all restaurants will be take-out, drive-thru, or delivery only for six weeks.

Bars are ordered to close all common spaces and will not allow alcohol consumption on the premises. Compliance with the order will be enforced by peace officers, City of Austin code department inspectors and the Office of the Fire Marshal.

“Our acts, individually and collectively, will determine how fast and how hard the virus hits our city,” said Austin Mayor Steve Adler.

The new recommendations come from the CDC and are a “community-wide approach that uses social distancing to reduce illness and death.”

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