Gas Prices Down 18.9 Percent from One Year Ago


SAN ANGELO, TX - The statewide gas price average in Texas is $2.78 per gallon for regular unleaded fuel, according to the AAA Texas Weekend Gas Watch. 

That price is two cents less than on this day last week and is 65 cents less per gallon compared to this day last year.

In San Angelo, drivers are paying $2.80 per gallon, a 10-cent decrease compared to last week.

Of the major metropolitan areas surveyed in Texas, drivers in El Paso metro area are paying the most on average at $3.08 per gallon while drivers in Lubbock are paying the least at $2.58 per gallon. The national average price for a gallon of regular unleaded is $3.22, which is two cents less when compared to this day last week and 66 cents less per gallon when compared to this day last year.

According to new data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), gas demand fell to a six-week low. Meanwhile, total domestic gasoline stocks increased. West Texas Intermediate crude remains at $70 per barrel, which is 19% lower than the 2024 high price of $86.91 reached in April. Falling gasoline demand and oil costs will likely keep pump prices sliding.  

“Texas gas prices are 18.9 percent lower when compared to one year ago,” said Daniel Armbruster, AAA Texas spokesperson. “Fuel price averages are expected to continue to move lower as Autumn begins.”

AAA Texas

AAA Texas

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Of course they will be lower, we have an election in Nov.

The govt does not have anything to with fuel prices in US. Wink Wink Nudge Nudge(:(:(:

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