Texas Man Sues Biden Administration Over Damages to Ranch


FALFURRIAS, TX — Texas rancher Michael Vickers has filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration for damages his ranch has sustained due to open-border policies.

Kinney County Sheriff Brad Coe is also named as a plaintiff in the lawsuit, along with Kinney County and Atascosa County.

The lawsuit, filed July 31, 2024, alleges that Vickers’ ranch — which is about 70 miles north of the border — has incurred about $50,000 in gate and fence damage alone. 

He has spent thousands more to protect against further environmental destruction, the complaint states. 

Trash and litter that has been left behind by undocumented migrants has been found in the stomachs of his cows during autopsies, according to the lawsuit.

Vickers stated he is now forced to always be armed on his ranch, which has seen a 33-45% drop in property value, the lawsuit stated.

Kinney County stated that it incurred over $90,000 in expenses in fiscal year 2022 related to crimes committed by undocumented migrants.

Atascosa County has had a similar financial burden, according to the lawsuit.

“These unlawful policies have not only harmed Kinney County and its residents but threaten the safety and security of our community,” Kinney County attorney Brent Smith stated in a Facebook post.

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