American Red Cross Searching for Hurricane Relief Volunteers


ODESSA – As communities in Louisiana continue to grapple with the devastating losses and damages left by Hurricane Ida, the  American Red Cross Permian Basin is searching for volunteers to help those affected.

According to the Red Cross, the organization has set up over 60 shelters all around the country to help displaced families. The Permian Basin Chapter is needing volunteers to spend two weeks in the hardest-hit areas along the Gulf Coast.

“We would love to have people from the Permian basin deployed to affected areas in Louisiana, Mississippi, and many other areas that people are suffering,"  Executive Director of the Permian Basin Chapter Tracy Austin. "One of the great things that you will find when you deploy with the Red Cross is that we have the best volunteers in the world."

Before traveling to the decimated areas, volunteers will be required to complete a three-hour virtual training to learn how to work in a shelter.

Anyone interested in volunteering can find more information at this link.

The Permian Basin Chapter will deploy an emergency response vehicle with food and supplies this week.

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